Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shift Tumblr Theme

Shift Tumblr Theme - Blog Tumblr

The Shift Tumblr theme is ideal for any blog, from a personal blog to portfolios! The image slider allows you to showcase your favourite images or best portfolio work. Shift supports all of the Tumblr post types and also features a custom post page with a sidebar to add affiliate links or a Flickr photo feed.

You can set ANY colour you like for the theme by simply clicking on the Appearance tab and selecting a colour!

The footer on the Shift Tumblr theme allows you to show off your latest Tweets, latest liked post and the people who you follow.

Setting up the Shift Tumblr theme on your blog is easy and takes less than a minute! Simply copy and paste and adjust the colours to your favourite!

Video Tutorials

How to install a Premium Tumblr Theme


  • 2 layout options – Added in v1.1.

  • Right to left reading template for Arabic – Added in v1.1.

  • Post Author on posts for Group Blogs – Added in v1.2.

  • Supports all Tumblr post types

  • Supports all Tumblr features (pages, etc)

  • Unlimited Colour Themes

  • jQuery Image Slider (works on iPhone, iPad)

  • 10 Google Fonts to choose from!

  • Rollover colour fade effect on links

  • Option to upload your own logo

  • Cross Browser Compatible

  • PrettyPhoto Image Viewer

  • Twitter and Flickr Feeds

  • ShareThis Buttons – Facebook, Twitter & Google+

  • Affiliate Banners

  • Disqus Comments

  • Google Analytics

  • Help File

Want more features? Just drop me a comment or mail and I’ll see to it that it is added in the next update!

Theme Layouts

Shift Tumblr Theme in the wilderness!

  • Joseph Perry –

  • Tom Kelly Photo –

  • Featured on Best Tumblr Themes

Please Note!

If you feel like giving this item a less than 5 star rating, please get in touch and let me know why so that I can improve the item for you.


Update v1.2 – 29.07.2011

  • Added directional arrows to the image slider.

  • Added option to add links to the slider images through the Appearance tab.

  • Added post author to posts for group blogs.

  • Added option to show or hide post author in the Appearance tab.

  • Moved nav into a full width bar underneath the header.

  • Added 5 new Google fonts; Kelly Slab, Pompiere, Snippet, Patrick Hand & Podvoka.

  • Added Google+ to the ShareThis links.

  • Added Disqus comments.

  • Styled the Q&A post type.

  • Added Submit and Ask buttons to main navigation.

Update v1.1 – 17.06.2011

  • Added a right to left reading template.

  • Added a new layout ( image slider at the top, sidebar on the right and posts on the left ).

  • Added padding and background colour to notes.

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