Monday, June 24, 2013

Evoke - Responsive Tumblr Theme

Evoke - Responsive Tumblr Theme - Blog Tumblr

QR code

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

General features

  • Support for all post types
  • Responsive layout with two columns
  • Endless scrolling
  • Disqus comments
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Google Analytics
  • Custom background color or pattern
  • Custom footer text
  • Support for all major browsers
  • Support for custom CSS

Header features

  • Custom header background image (or solid color / transparent)
  • Left or center aligned content
  • Custom title background (or transparent)
  • Custom image logo or text title
  • Text subtitle

Posts features

  • Post filter (filter by type)
  • Custom post background color, font color and link color
  • Social sharing links for Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+
  • Post info with date, tags, permalink and number of Disqus comments

Sidebar features

  • Left or right positioned sidebar
  • Custom sidebar background color, font color and link color
  • Avatar portrait
  • Social link icons: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Dribbble, Behance, You Tube, LinkedIn, Flickr and Vimeo
  • Search form
  • List of pages
  • Tag cloud
  • Following widget
  • Flickr, Instagram and Dribbble feeds

Package contains extensive documentation, which help you set up every option of this theme.

+ special bonus: 4 header background images for your blog !



  • Better integration of Open Graph protocol with option to disable it


  • Some minor bug fixes


  • Updated Twitter feed to Twitter 1.1 API


  • Better optimization for mobile devices


  • Various small bug fixes


  • Photoset can now be rendered as carousel on index page
  • All photos have now a hover effect with two links – one opens a permalink page, second opens fullsize image
  • Optimized endless scrolling
  • Many other minor and major issues are fixed
  • Updated documentation


  • Added new option – ‘Avatar box shadow’ for enabling or disabling shadow around avatar image
  • Fixed bug with Tag cloud widget margin


  • Optimized JavaScript and CSS code
  • Tooltips with image title for Flickr, Instagram and Dribbble feeds
  • Pattern image for body background
  • Header can be now transparent
  • Optional fixed height for header
  • Optional negative offset for content
  • Optional rounded corners
  • Optional box shadow for content objects and sidebar

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