Monday, July 22, 2013

Bloq - A Blocky Portfolio Theme for Tumblr

Bloq - A Blocky Portfolio Theme for Tumblr - Portfolio Tumblr

BLOQ is an stylish, blocky portfolio theme for designers and creatives. It features two different layout modes, a filterable portfolio grid, a touch optimized image slider, dark and light preset skins to get you started, and much more!

Check the online documentation for a list of all the options.

  • Responsive layout—your portfolio looks great on phones, tablets and desktops.
  • Retina ready—BLOQ uses a combination of HTML5 canvas drawings and webfont icons, looking great on any device and specially on high density displays.
  • Custom image logo—optionally with hover state and high resolution variations.
  • Touch optimized homepage slider—BLOQ uses swipe.js, the most accurate touch slider. You can upload up to five images with their own caption and URL.
  • Unique portfolio grid with two different layout modes: Masonry and Segmented Rows. The last one is similar to the way Tumblr displays photosets natively
  • Dynamically load the next set of portfolio projects on the homepage with Ajax.
  • Ajaxified portfolio filter.
  • Ajaxified permalinks—load your project’s description without leaving the homepage.
  • Homepage Hero and Call-to-Action, to display a welcome message for your visitors and grab your users attention.
  • Collapsible widget area: the widget area on top can be toggled and re-positions to the right side on smaller screens.
  • Twitter, Flickr, Dribbble and Instagram feeds.
  • Support for the following Tumblr post types: text, photo, photoset, quote, link, chat, audio, and video.
  • Google Web Fonts for site-wide headings.
  • Social icons: Behance, deviantArt, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, LastFM, LinkedIn, MySpace, Picasa, Pinterest, SoundCloud, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube.
  • Support for Disqus commenting system.
  • Easy Google Analytics implementation.
  • Support for user created pages.
  • Ask and Submit enabled.
  • Chock-full of options—all colors can be changed from the customization sidebar
  • Comprehensive documentation.

v1.1.0 July 09, 2013

  • New: “Previous” and “Next” arrows to navigate between projects.
  • New: “Previous post” and “Next post” buttons on project permalinks.
  • New: “Like” button on project details Share box.
  • New: Option to show text based toggle for searchform instead of icon.
  • New: Typography helper classes (“align-left”, “align-right”, etc.)
  • Minor CSS improvements.

v1.0.4 June 22, 2013

  • Added “Use Wide Thumbnails On Mobile” option.
  • Fixes for a rendering bug in webkit browsers.
  • Fix for off-canvas sidebar not showing when changing orientation on the iPad.
  • Major and minor JavaScript and CSS fixes.

v1.0.3 May 11, 2013

  • Fixes some glitches when scrolling the site on Mobile Safari (iPhone/iPad).
  • Improved smooth scrolling when opening/closing project details.
  • Better handling of “retina” logo images. CSS rewrite to fix some logo display glitches on Mobile Safari.
  • Fixes an issue when embedding videos from certain sources, such as CNN.

v1.0.2 May 06, 2013

  • Fixes and improvements for the Ajax portfolio filter.
  • Correct color coding of thumbnails overlays when using categories containing more than a single word.
  • Add optional jQuery fallback for the filter for blogs displayed in non-western languages.

v1.0.1 April 18, 2013

  • Fix a JavaScript error when embedding videos from Vimeo using non-standard embed code.
  • Fix an issue when the Ajax portfolio filter wouldn’t work when using a custom domain name for the tumblog.
  • Add option to hide the top widget area entirely.
  • Add missing sections to the documentation.

v1.0 April 16, 2013

  • Initial release

Click here for a list of the resources used in the making of this theme.

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