Sunday, November 17, 2013

FeelinDreams — Retina & Responsive Tumblr Theme

FeelinDreams — Retina & Responsive Tumblr Theme - Blog Tumblr

FeelinDreams is bring new theme with clean minimalist look for great reading experience. FeelinDreams is responsive, fresh and simple with . Check the features!

One minute install! Just download the code and paste it as HTML into your Customize section of your Tumblr blog.

•• Check it live here: (better than Live Preview) ••

Highlights & Features:

— One minute install!
— All seven Tumblr post types with ASK feature
— Panorama photos support
— Custom Pages support
— Custom Color support
— Responsive layout
— Disqus comments support
— Flickr feed support
— Social buttons: Twitter & Facebook (HTML5, with Send button)


— FeelinDreams php code (images and css are hosted)
— help files


— CSS is imported (@import) for carefree updates and CSS fixes


— Gemicon icon set (
— Raleway Google Font
— Open Sans Google Font

If you have any questions, drop the line in comments.

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