Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Gifta - Flat Long Shadow Tumblr Theme

Gifta - Flat Long Shadow Tumblr Theme - Blog Tumblr

webtreats-support webtreats-twitter webtreats-twitter webtreats-rss

Gifta – Tumblr Theme is base on Flat Long Shadows designs, to represented more clean and elegan feel. This is tumblr theme that has many features such as photo sets turned into a responsive image slider, disqus widget and instagram widget.

Please rate, if you like this Template StarStarStarStarStar

With some creativity you can coustoumize the theme to something cool like bellow


  • HTML5 + CSS3

    Gifta is created using the newest web standards (HTML 5, CSS 3)

  • Photoset Image Slider

    Multi photoset will automatically be photo image slider, if you post multiple photo post

  • Fancybox Image Pop Up

    Image will automatically be converted on pop up fancybox effect

  • Unlimited Color Post Header

    This is color chooser for Header post

  • Unlimited Image Background

    To create a background image according to your own taste

  • Selectable Google Font

    Body text selected from the coolest google font options

  • Disqus Widget

    The comments facility connected with your Disqus account

  • Instagram Widget

    Photo gallery taken from your instagram account

  • Like and Reblog buttons

    Has implemented new Tumblr features: Like and Reblog buttons

  • Latest Tweet

    Twitter widget will automatically appear if your tumblr account to connect with Twitter account

  • Social Media Icon

    You can set up your social media links here

  • Skill Set Diagram

    You can fill the content according to your skill-owned, and the value of your ability level with a maximum value of 100



I’ve uused the following fonts, lightbox, images, icons or other files as listed.

  • jQuery — for javascript library
  • Fit Video— for reponsive video embeded
  • Jquery Fancybox — for portfolio
  • jQInstaPics —is a simple jQuery plugin that enables you to display the latest pics from your Instagram feed on your website or blog.
  • SlidesJS —is a responsive slideshow plug-in for jQuery (1.7.1+) with features like touch and CSS3 transitions
  • Font Long shadow— For Flat Shadows effect
  • Long Shadow— Long Shadows effect plugin
  • PT Sans Narrow — for Content & tittle
  • We Love Icon Font— Icon font online


Update Item v1.3

 - Skill Set Diagram - Opacity Selectable Header background 

Update Item v1.2

 - Tag Widget - Menu Font Color chooser - Headline Font Color chooser - Footer Background Color chooser - Headline Font Color chooser - Header Background Color Chosser 

Update Item v1.1

 - Responsive - Google Font Selectable for Body Text - Unlimited Upload Image for background - Unlimited Post Color Chosser - Scroll to Up 

Update Item v1.1

 - Responsive - Google Font Selectable for Body Text - Unlimited Upload Image for background - Unlimited Post Color Chosser - Scroll to Up 

Update Item v1.0

Initial Realease

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